Welcome South Korean Hemp Growers!


Hemp and South Korea have one of the longest and strongest histories together! Originating from China, hemp was transported to South Korea via the Silk Road nearly 5,000 years ago. Historical documentation has reported hemp being used for medicine, food, and textiles.

Locally known in South Korea as ‘da ma cho’; hemp roots itself as a fundamental crop in both, early and modern society. A strong relationship lasted until 1967 when the Cannabis Control Act effectively banned any manufacturing or possession of the substance. 

This ban continued until November 2018, when the National Assembly finally voted to amend the Narcotics Control Act. Afterwards, CBD became legal for medical purposes and under the surveillance of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. 

With over 60 years of combined hemp industry expertise, we are able to provide-

  • Our premium high CBD, feminized Hemp genetics offer outstanding terpene profiles, compliant COA’s with world class cannabinoid ratios, 99% viability and 99.9% feminization rates

  • We offer discreet, fast and secure international shipping, $85-$125 (depending on size and location) and offer free shipping with orders over $5,000. 

  • We are also able to provide Official Department of Agriculture Phytosanitary Certificates at a fee of $285.

  • We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service with timely response and quick turnarounds. 

  • In addition we offer free, limited, consultations with our Master Growers on all orders over 1,000 seeds.


Feminized Cherry Blossom

Exploration of hemp and its applications

The progressive amendment was attributed to a significant case involving a young boy who suffered from a rare and uncontrollable form of epilepsy, known as Lennos-Gastaut syndrome (LGS). Even after being prescribed numerous medications and receiving brain surgery, his seizures persisted. It wasn’t until he received CBD oil, that his brain waves finally stabilized and his seizures subsided. Physicians recognized the medicinal properties CBD possessed, and signed the approval for his continued treatment with CBD oil.

This case of medical recognition ultimately led to reforms in legislation, and opened new doors into research and development for the Cannabis Industry. Scientists have already produced two government approved drugs that contain CBD-

  • Epidolex - for patients suffering from epilepsy

  • Sativex - for patients suffering multiple sclerosis

Forefront company, Kolmar Pharma, becomes the first South Korean company to contain CBD in their cosmetic line. South Korea is already a global leader in the cosmetic industry, with a market of nearly $9 billion (USD). Thus, innovative entrepreneurs will seek to combine these two industries and produce gels, creams, and sprays that are infused with CBD.

Other notable Korean markets with CBD incorporation are: 

  • Pet Industry -  CBD infused treats for cats and dogs

  • Food Industry - Snacks, baked goods, and beverages

  • Vaping Industry - A rather new market, but appears to be emerging fast and amongst the younger demographic


Smart Farming And Hemp

Furthermore, The South Korean government even seeks to deploy blockchain technology that would pave the way for smart farming practices within the Hemp Industry. In the city of Gyeongsan, a special zone will be implemented using blockchain technology to monitor the production of hemp and its system intricacies, for the purpose of:

  • Better transparency and accountability 

  • Better inventory management

  • Providing microloans to small and mid size farmers

  • Enhancing agriculture supply chain

Blockchain and Hemp are the fastest growing markets globally! Adaptive technologies and more efficient farming practices will catalyze mass adoption and bring forth benefits waiting to be unveiled. These are truly exciting times to be an entrepreneur and participate in these new emerging industries.


Feminized Mountain Mango




Puerto Rico


South Africa

Costa Rica


Genetics Overview