Visual Guide to Hemp Terpenes

What are Hemp Terpenes? How do hemp terpenes affect my hemp crop? Which hemp terpenes are the best? We get a lot of requests to explain the various terpenes that help make up our world-class hemp varieties, so much so, that we decided to create this reference table to help you better understand what terpenes are in your hemp and how they may affect it’s overall taste, smell, quality and potential benefits. If you have any questions be sure to reach out to our team and we would be happy to help you

Visual Guide to Hemp Terpenes


Myrcene - The most common of all hemp terpenes

Aroma Musky, earthy, herbal, clove-like

Commonly Found In Mango, lemongrass, thyme, hops

Potential Effects Sedating, relaxing,

Potential Uses Antioxidant: also used to treat chronic pain, inflammation and insomnia

Caryophyllene - The only terpene that binds to Cannabinoid receptors

Aroma Spicy, Peppery, Woody

Commonly Found In Black Pepper, cinnamon, cloves, oregano, basil, and rosemary.

Potential Effects stress relief

Potential Uses Analgesic, Anxiolytic


Aroma Piney

Commonly Found In Pine needles, rosemary, basil, parsley, dill

Potential Effects Alertness, Memory?!?!

Potential Uses Anti-inflammatory that could potentially improve respiratory function and asthma symptoms


Aroma Hoppy, Woody, Earthy

Commonly Found In Hops, Sage, Cloves, Coriander

Potential Effects Suppresses appetite

Potential Uses Anti-inflammatory, Anti-infective


Aroma Sweet, Floral

Commonly Found In Chamomile, candeia tree

Potential Effects Calming and Soothing

Potential Uses Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant


Aroma Citrusy

Commonly Found In Citrus Rind, peppermint, juniper

Potential Effects Mood lifter, stress relief

Potential Uses Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal

Often used is cleaners that have that lemon fresh scent


Aroma Sweet, woody, herbacious

Commonly Found In Sweet basil, mint, orchids, parsley

Potential Effects Immune defense

Potential Uses Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral


Aroma Spicy and Floral

Commonly Found In Lavender, Coriander, mint

Potential Effects sedation/relaxation, mood elevator

Potential UsesTreatment of anxiety, chronic pain, depression, inflammation, insomnia


Aroma Herbal

Commonly Found In Thyme, anise, cilantro, cumin, oregano,

Potential Effects Potent anti-bacterial agent, wonderful aromatherapy

Potential Uses Anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial


Aroma Woodsy, piney, rosy

Commonly Found In Guaiacum, cypress

Potential Effects used for centuries to treat a wide array of ailments from constipation to syphillis

Potential Uses Anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-oxidant.

Guaiacum is the national tree of Jamaica, Yeah Mon