Cherry Blossom High CBD Hemp through the growing Season

As seed breeders, we get a myriad of questions about the benefits and drawbacks of different cultivars. While we do our best to explain the differences, the old phrase “ a picture is worth a thousand words” really nails it when it comes to hemp. We’ve arranged some pics of our Cherry Blossom shortly after transplanting, all the way to harvest to give you, the farmer, a visual representation of what you can expect from the plant. Cherry Blossom is superior hemp variety with a proven track record of success in a multitude of clients. There is a reason why it’s almost every state’s recommended cultivar list. Reliable, stout and sturdy, the plant is climate hardy and exhibits exceptional resilience to many pest and diseases. It’s heavy yielding flowers are sweet and floral, they boasts CBD: THC ratios as high as 28:1 and have a broad array of terpenes. This make Cherry Blossom equally usable for Biomass and smokable flower applications. Plus it’s super easy to grow! We always recommend it to everyone novice farmers looking to get their feet wet to seasoned vets needing 100 acres of something they can count on to produce. Like a 3/4 ton pickup truck, Cherry Blossom just gets the job done…

Immediately, post transplant, put in the ground approx 30 days after germination on 2ft spacing ( we are a seed farm, we can get away with it :)

A few weeks later, as the canopy starts to fill in…


Right before the start of flower


A few weeks later…

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A few weeks later ( remember plants increase in size 3x-4x during flower…)


Our founder, Moses Levin, inspecting the crop right before harvest…

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Look at the size of that bud…

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Now for the close up…


If you want to learn more about Cherry Blossom contact us here or request more information here

Special Bonus - Here is a cool time lapse video we made of Cherry Blossom Green House #3